
crop top and dungarees

Top - Primark DIY Dungarees - Blue Rinse Choker - ebay I apologise for the bare legs, I took these yesterda...

Top - Primark DIY
Dungarees - Blue Rinse
Choker - ebay

I apologise for the bare legs, I took these yesterday when I was tidying my room and cutting up my clothes. I did this primark top as I said in my last post and it looked so lovely with my new dungarees that I had to take some photos! I am soooo dungaree obsessed, they are just so easy and comfy to wear. I am waiting for some acid wash long ones to come in the post that I bought from ebay and I just can't wait so I went to the vintage shops yesterday and picked up these cute ones. They have pretty patches on the pockets and were a good fit so I went ahead and bought them.

I am currently tie dying tees for the shop and they look so pretty, I also did some white ones which I had cut like this top and man they look immense. Might have to make one for myself as well!

Hope you are enjoying my slightly tidier backdrop of my room, proves I was actually trying to tidy not just making things and blogging....

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  1. You look adorable and I LOVE your hair. This makes me want to get my Dozen Dungarees blog project finished. :) Jealous of the backpack collection in the background, too!


    1. aw thankyou! i flippin love dungarees too much, thankyou for the follow :) xxx


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