
car boot gems

So today is the first proper day I have ventured out this year to car boot sales, the weather has been lovely so cou...

So today is the first proper day I have ventured out this year to car boot sales, the weather has been lovely so couldn't have been a better morning for it. As you can see I got some right gems, I try to buy stuff at car boots that I will actually wear and not go crazy buying shit just cause it's cheap (I did this a little today... but they are all ebay worthy so it's ok!)

There was this one stall which is where all the shoes and coat are from which was just this crazy man selling all amazing topshop/trendy/vintage shit. I thought he had a dog in his boot but it turned out to be a girl covered in blankets....weird.

BUT got some good shit, the coat reminds me of the Unif Donna coat I have been searching for on ebay for ages so am so happy with that. I couldnt leave any of the shoes behind, just too pretty. I am obsessed with wide leg trousers - probably can't make them out that well due to my bedsheets!
Overall a pretty damn good day!

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  1. Car boots and sunshine are the perfect combination! I can't believe those gorgeous pieces you picked up, those shoes are frikkin amazing, you'll have to do some outfit posts :-) ♡ xx


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